If You Could Throw Me a Line - Chapter 1 - EyesUpMarksman (2025)

Chapter Text

“How can you spend that much time with someone and not even know these things?”

The first time Jayce realises there is a substantial lack of Viktor knowledge in his brain is during a night out with Mel and the others. A lot of his realisations come to him at this particular bar and at this particular bottom of his second drink.

It’s not that he knows nothing about Viktor. Mel is right with that, at least. Someone who has spent that much time with the man surely knows something. And he knows lots of things!

He knows that Viktor drinks sweetmilk, not tea. He can’t drink coffee because it will give him migraines. The milk must never be boiled. The spices stay the same, and although the milk is strained to remove the woodier stalks, Viktor still likes star anise to be left in the milk itself.

He knows that when the weather changes too abruptly, the aches in Viktor’s leg and lower back will get worse and that only some painkillers ever really help Viktor when his leg seizes up or cramps. Those painkillers are prescription, and even the pharmacist at the local CVS knows his name now because of how many times he’s been sent to pick the medicine up.

Their favourite dinner is the same: chicken fusilli pasta with a cream sauce. He knows that Viktor hates peppers, so will offer him a portion with them taken out. Otherwise it's takeout. He knows Viktor’s order as clearly as his own. Singh’s Palace on 41st Street: Lamb pasanda with two naan. Two, because experience has shown that Jayce will always try to steal one, despite the fact he always claims to not want any in the first place.

He knows Viktor’s birthday, and that he hates the day itself. The first year Jayce ever bought him a cupcake with a candle in it, it garnered a soft smile and rolled eyes, and a lured promise out of Jayce that he would never do something like that again. Even though he blew out the single candle just in time to stop the fire alarm from getting triggered, and still halved the cupcake between him and Jayce, Jayce still knew that particular look in Viktor’s eye when he said something meant that he was deadly serious.

But, the more Jayce thinks about it, and the more shot glasses set in front of him by Mel and her pointed stare and raised eyebrow, he realises that he doesn’t know other things about his lab partner and roommate of three years.

He runs his finger along a groove etched into their table’s surface. Everything else around him may as well cease to exist — even Mel and her curious stare.

Living off-campus has its perks. They can wander home from the lab as late as they want, without crossing paths with a security guard or student all too eager to find out just what exactly they were doing at three in the morning. A lot of the older students choose to live off campus. Maybe it’s just easier to get to the bars. Maybe it’s a chance for them to be as far away from the library and campus as possible. Jayce knew it was because a friend of a friend’s cousin was moving out, and he and Viktor wanted somewhere more central than where they were. Their apartment is nothing spectacular: to him, at the very least.

He remembers watching Viktor throughout the viewing: how his eyes widened as they were shown a modest place for a modest price, but still had two bedrooms, a large enough bathroom to accommodate Viktor’s leg, and a balcony. The balcony is nothing to write home about, in Jayce’s opinion, but it is still home to a collection of herbs and plants sewn by Viktor during the spring, and still holding on even now that winter is fast rolling in.

The apartment is small, but enough for them to live comfortably together. Jayce has his space and Viktor has his. Even their refrigerator and pantry shelves are divided between them.

That being said, Jayce still pours an ample amount of sweetmilk into a mug he’s pretty sure might have been his at one point, and heads to Viktor’s room. It’s next to his own, along a small hallway that connects the front door to the living room. He tries his best not to spill a drop. The aniseed scent is not something he’s a particular fan of, but he knows that Viktor loves it; and if he’s serious about staying up most of the night to finish off his latest report, then he needs to have something to keep him going.

It’s a practised route to Viktor’s room. The door is cracked open slightly, and he can see the other man inside hunched over his desk, scribbling on three pieces of paper before sighing and catching the bridge of his nose.

The floorboards give under his weight. He’s sure Viktor already knows that he’s there. Jayce still knocks all the same.

He knows when he can come in and when he can’t. When Viktor is particularly engrossed in a project, the air in his room just feels different. No matter what Jayce might have to say, nothing could tear him away. If the building’s fire alarm was blaring, he’s not even sure Viktor would even acknowledge its existence.

But he shoulders the door out of the way and walks over to the man, setting his mug on the only free sliver of space on his desk. “Thought you might want something that isn’t water,” Jayce says, noting the long emptied glass sitting at the other side of the desk.

Viktor makes a noise that can only be taken as a thank you. Jayce has known him for too long to know what certain noises mean in lieu of words.

He doesn’t linger by Viktor’s side for too long. He steps away and takes a moment to glance around his room. It’s slightly bigger than his own. He managed to convince the man that he needed more space, and the layout of the room was better suited to his cane and mobility. It might have been the first real argument that they ever had.

He spots some new books stacked on his bedside table. Thankfully, Jayce notices, they’re not new course books. Most of Viktor’s shelves are already creaking under the weight of engineering books, either from his studies throughout the years or his own interest. These books make him blink. They’re fantasy, mostly, with some sci-fi sprinkled in there. All books Jayce mentioned reading at one point in the year, he realises.

Wandering back towards the door, Jayce lingers at the frame for a moment before he starts to fidget with a loose splinter in the door itself.

Mel’s voice is still inside his head. I actually cannot wrap my head around you at all, she had said with such emphasis, he thought that she was talking about her latest group project, and not commenting on Jayce’s ability — or inability — to learn basic facts about his friend. He remembers her eyes rolling so far into the back of her head, it’s a wonder that Mel even has them in her skull. You’re not pulling this stuff out of him like teeth - just ask!

“So…any plans for Christmas?” The question falls out of his mouth before he can stop it. For a moment, his hand twitches, as if it wants to slap over his mouth so he can stop anything else from tumbling out.

Viktor doesn’t look up from his notes. A quiet moment passes between them, and Jayce thinks that maybe the other man hasn’t even heard his question.

But as he opens his mouth to ask again, Viktor grunts out a simple: “No.”

The word settles between them for a second. A second which lingers for too long according to Jayce. He clears his throat. “Oh, okay,” he says after a moment. The splinter from the door breaks off into Jayce’s hand. He’s going to have to call the landlord about that. “I thought that maybe you, I don’t know, wanted to head home or something. The campus must be quiet. Does it shut down? I would imagine it shuts down.”

As soon as he says it, Jayce suddenly realises he doesn’t even know where Viktor’s home is. He knows where the man has said he comes from. He knows that his family immigrated here years ago — but not long enough for Viktor to have lost his accent. He knows that he’s from the eastern boroughs of the city. But he doesn’t know where exactly—

At that, Viktor spares him a side-glance. “I tend to stay here for the holidays,” he says simply, and returns to his work.

And that would explain the leftovers in the fridge when Jayce returned to the apartment after Christmas last year. It might explain why the garbage is always full, even when he’s sure he emptied it when he left.

Something twists inside Jayce’s chest at the thought of it. “I would hate to think you were here by yourself,” he says.

This time, Viktor pulls away from his notes with a sigh. “I’m perfectly fine by myself,” he says simply. The words are pressed. They sit between them for a moment. It’s something to be left at that. But Viktor’s eyes suddenly soften and he clicks his tongue. “It’s okay, Jayce. Really. I have things to catch up on and Professor Heimerdinger wants me to tutor—”

Everything else Viktor has to say is white noise. He knows about the offer from the Professor. He was the one who nudged Viktor to even take the work in the first place. He knows about the extra credits Viktor took this semester: even though he was perfectly fine without them.

But he sighs. “Okay, okay,” he says, holding up his hands. “But if you change your mind, you can always come ‘round to mine.”

At that, Viktor’s brow knits. “Yours,” he repeats. He mulls the word over for a moment. “With your family?”

Jayce nods. “Where else would I go?” he laughs, but it withers away as he watches Viktor mull over the thought for a moment. His breath almost threatens to catch. The image of Viktor, in his house, with his family—

His legs almost give out from underneath him.

But Viktor plucks his pen back up, tapping it against the edge of his desk. “I will think about it,” he says after a while, offering Jayce a small smile.

Jayce has known Mel long enough to know when she’s about to slap him for something stupid that he’s said or done. She gets a particular look when he says things. He knows it well.

The problem is, he’s forgotten how well Caitlyn can hide her reactions, and he doesn’t expect the light blow to the back of the head, almost knocking him into the pizza boxes scattered on the floor in front of him.

“Hey!” he gapes, turning around to look at her stretched out on one of the couches.

Caitlyn sighs. “How can one of the smartest people we know be so stupid?” she mutters, glancing over at Mel, equally reclined in a chair not too far away.

Study has long been abandoned, it turns out. Books have been closed, laptops put away: for the ladies, at least. Jayce shoves one of his books out of the way with his foot, just so he can fully turn around and arch an eyebrow at his childhood friend.

“What?” he asks.

Anything Caitlyn might have said dies as Mel waves a hand. “Don’t bother explaining it to him,” she sighs, plucking her glass up from the table and reclining into the couch with it. “It will be totally lost on him. I’ve already tried.”

Caitlyn hums into her own glass, nodding solemnly.

Jayce clicks his tongue. “You two are the worst people I know,” he grunts, turning back to his book. He’s lost the page, and he’s pretty sure that the paragraph he’s spent the last hour on hasn’t gone into his brain at all, but he still flicks through the pages with enough force that it lures a light laugh out of Caitlyn.


Viktor often drifts into his room throughout the day. Whether it's to talk through his latest project, or vent about some professor or tutor he’s been forced to consult on something, the man always appears at Jayce’s door willing to talk. Sometimes those talks can last throughout the night, if Viktor is riled up enough.

But Jayce looks up from his computer screen and watches Viktor standing at the door, leaning on his crutch and picking at the fraying material around the handle.

Viktor’s brow knits. Whatever is on his mind, it’s something he mulls over for a minute. God knows it’s the longest, most quiet minute Jayce has ever experienced. Eventually, Viktor clears his throat. “Were you…Were you serious? About me joining you for Christmas?”

It's so quiet that Jayce almost misses it.

At some point, he also reminds himself to inhale. “Of course!” he breathes. “Viktor, I, I don’t want you to be here by yourself.”

A faint frown tightens Viktor’s brow again, deeper than the last, but it’s gone as soon as it appears. He sighs and nods, almost to himself. “Thank you, I…I will take you up on that offer. If that’s okay, of course, with your family.”

He knows that his Mom will be delighted to have him. In all the years he’s spent at the college, the same amount of time as having Viktor as a roommate and friend and partner, he’s spoken incessantly about the man. He’s sure that his Mom is fed up with hearing about their latest project or some other story about Viktor that he shares when she calls.

She can finally put a face to the name.

A smile stretches across Jayce’s face. “Great!” he thrills, already reaching for his phone. “I’ll let my mom know. She’ll love having you there, V, really!”

He almost fumbles with his phone trying to get her number on the screen. A broad grin stays on his lips for hours afterwards, even as he tried to convince his mom that not all of his cousins needed to come over for the holidays. The house isn’t big enough to sustain all of them at the best of times. But now that someone has let it slip that Jayce is bringing a guest, he’s sure that word has gotten out already, and the house will be packed with expectant faces.

And the thought almost chills his blood.

He finds Viktor back in his room, mulling over some equations and notes before eventually noticing Jayce at the portal of the door again.

Jayce rubs his nape. “So, just so you know, I, uh,” he says, stumbling over his words for a moment, “I have a big family. Lots of aunties, lots of cousins. They’re all going to be there. At my house, for the whole night. They can be…well, a lot.”

Viktor blinks. He mulls over the thought for a moment. “I thought it was only you and your mom,” he murmurs after a while.

The colour on Jayce’s cheeks only grows darker. He clears his throat. “I mean, yeah, it’s only us for the most part. But you know what the holidays are like. I just know that Tía Daniela is there already, four tequilas deep…” He almost catches the bridge of his nose. God, if this Christmas is anything like last years—

He shakes the thought away. “If, if you think dealing with all of that is too much, then, I can call mom and tell her to kick people out—”

Jayce,” Viktor all but laughs. It’s short and sharp and he waves it away like he does the other man. “You can’t just throw out your family because of me. I’m sure they’re all lovely. I can handle it.”

Nearing the end of the semester, it's easy to forget what day and month it even is. If not for the Christmas trees and miles of lights strewn up around the courtyard of the campus, he might have forgotten that it was the holidays to begin with. End of term exams mean he doesn’t get home until well past sunset. Supervising exam halls is a nice way of getting extra money, but he curses at himself for taking the longer hours, especially now that it’s so dark and cold.

The walk home is fine, albeit cold. Bundling his coat tighter around himself, and burying his nose into his scarf, Jayce keeps to one side of the pavement while other students, free from exams at least, rush out to join their friends in the bars nearby.

Some students have already decided to head home. As he enters their apartment building, he notes the collection of mismatched suitcases and duffle bags lining the hall, ready to be thrown into a car for a long drive. Between some of the bags are haphazardly wrapped presents, in bright colours he can only imagine are for children. The corners of his lips quirk.

It doesn’t take him long to gather his own things. Viktor even waits at the door for him with a bag of his own; a small suitcase that Jayce insists on being the one to carry, even though they have a perfectly fine elevator.

Viktor finally understands the severity of the Big Extended Family situation as soon as he watches Jayce bring the last of the gifts down to the car.

The corner of Viktor’s lip twitches. “Not bad for a PhD student with limited funding.”

Jayce just about manages to stop his eyes from rolling to the back of his head. “Something small for everyone adds up,” he mutters, mostly to himself, stuffing the last gift into the trunk of his car. Viktor offered to help, twice, but he was waved away. Instead, he gets comfortable in the passenger seat, getting the heater to flare to life.

The Talis home isn’t too far away from the university. His mom didn’t want him across the country by himself. She was already hiding the worst of her red, watery eyes from him as she drove him to his student apartment in his first year. He didn’t want to be far away from her either. When the opportunity to continue his studies came in the university he spent his undergrad in, he took it: namely just to be within driving distance to his mom.

But it’s still a drive to get to his home, especially if the snow forecasted for the week is to fall.

A route is already planned. There are stops every thirty or forty minutes or so in case Viktor needs to stretch his legs. He already had a hard time convincing him to just take Jayce’s car, instead of trying to commute the whole way to his home. He winces at the thought. He tried it one year. His train never came. A replacement bus broke down. He’s pretty sure the driver of the replacement-replacement bus was merely doing it as a front to move something contraband over county lines.

But his own car means they can travel at their own speed and time, with stops in between, and most importantly, his own music.

“Absolutely not,” Viktor says as soon as he spots Jayce’s phone syncing up to the car. He’s known Viktor enough to weather most of his glares with ease. But sometimes, he just has to laugh at how mad he tries to make himself look. “We are not spending the next four hours jumping between cheesy Christmas carols and nineties pop and house music—”

“—I don’t listen to house music,” Jayce tries, but Viktor bats his hand away from the controls.

The first hour of the drive is spent fighting for control of the music. Eventually, Viktor’s phone syncs to his car’s system, and Jayce has to stop himself from singing along to all the familiar songs Viktor places when they’re in their apartment.

The corners of Jayce’s lips twitch as he distinctly hears Viktor humming along, peering out at the landscape outside changing from that of the city to the countryside. The highways aren’t as busy as he expected them to be. They might actually make time if the worst of the frost stays away until nightfall.

Most of the drive is spent in silence, with music being the only thing between them. It’s comfortable. Even if they were still at home, little would have to be said. It’s odd, when he thinks about it. He can spend the whole day and night talking with Viktor, from the sun going down to it coming back up again hours later. Some days, not a word is uttered between them. And that’s just fine. He lived with people in the past that just loved to fill the quiet void. It burned him out quicker than anything else. Sometimes when he was prodding at the latest assignment he was given, or running through the following week’s course material, the constant chatter and noise from his roommates burrowed into his skull and jabbed into his brain. On more than one occasion, he had stormed into the living room to tell people shut the fuck up.

But with Viktor…

When he hits a long stretch of highway, where there’s nothing to do but coast easily along with traffic, he spares a quick look over at the other man comfortably slumped in the passenger seat. A break will have to be factored in soon. He’s sure that Viktor’s leg is starting to cramp up. But he blinks at the sight beside him and turns his eyes back to the road as quickly as he can, hoping that the dark already settled in can hide most of his blush.

It had been so quiet, he thought that maybe Viktor had fallen asleep. He hummed with most of the music, shifting slightly in his seat, up until thirty minutes ago, where a comfortable quiet settled over them. Jayce might have commented idly about the traffic. Not bad for the holidays, he murmured. Maybe some people prefer flying. Couldn’t do that myself. No. Don’t like the hassle of it. It’s just easier to drive

But Viktor is very much awake, from what he saw. His eyes were hooded slightly, in that way where he’s getting tired, but fascinated with something to stay awake. It’s something he’s seen when a particular equation has been evading him, or when he has a qualm to make about a professor’s take on a certain idea—

But he just watches the traffic coasting alongside them, and the vast expanse of stars scattered across the blackened sky now that the glare of city lights isn’t here to obscure them.

Jayce sneaks in another look. It’s quick. He doesn’t take his eyes off of the highway for too long. A few flecks of snow are starting to fall, and the last thing he needs is to swerve off the road—

But he watches how the moon’s pale light sculps around the lines of Viktor’s face, catching the flecks of gold in his amber eyes. The corner of his mouth is curled softly upward as his eyes dart from star to star.

Jayce’s knuckles turn near-white around the steering wheel. He can just about hear the latest song play from Viktor’s phone through the rushing of blood through his ears.

When they stop for their last break, he’s tempted to throw his phone into a nearby river.

melmedarda [19:08] I need you to understand that this is the funniest thing that has ever happened

melmedarda [19:08] Have you held hands over the gearstick yet?

melmedarda [19:08] Vi nearly threw up from laughing so hard

jaycetalis [19:10] pls stop telling our friends about my problems tnx

melmedarda [19:15] (kiss emoji, wink emoji)

He tries to come home as often as he can. It can be more difficult in some years than others. When he was doing his bachelors, it was a bit easier. He could finish his assignments early enough. Exams were always held as close to the end of the semester as possible. The second he set his pen down and handed the supervisor the sheets of paper, he was already on the road home.

Postgraduate years had been a bit more daunting, but Facetime made things a bit easier.

And then came his PhD—

He still notes that some of his mom’s neighbours have gone all out with the decorations this year. Instead of moonlight and the headlights of cars keeping them company, he almost squints as he drives through the neighbourhood. The same houses are covered in bright lights, blinking and strobing, while nativity scenes line their front yards. His mom’s neighbourhood is far from well-off, but he doesn’t miss the way Viktor regards the houses and their festive displays with a mix of curiosity and muted awe.

Jayce has to swallow past a lump in his throat at the sight of cars already parked in front of his mom’s house. It’s not as big as the others, or elaborately decorated — thank God, he thinks — but it’s still enough space for every member of the Talis family to descend on Ximena’s home for the season.

He finds a parking space as close to the house as he can. The worst of the snow has been left behind them, but the sidewalks still look slippery. As soon as he turns the ignition of the car off, he takes a second to slump back against his seat.

A short huffed laugh escapes from the man beside him. “Second thoughts?” Viktor muses.

Jayce’s brow knits. “What? Oh. No. No, not at all. It’s just…” He sighs, shoulders slackening. “Energy, you know.”

Viktor nods. “We could always head back…” Jayce can’t help but snort. “It’s not like anyone has seen us yet.”

“Oh, we’ve definitely been spotted,” Jayce corrects, offering Viktor an apologetic look. “You’re locked into this now, buddy. Sorry.”

He doesn’t have to look towards the house to know that one of his aunties is peering through the curtains. He’s surprised he hasn’t heard them yet. There is a faint hum of music in the air as he steps out of the car, all but shuffling over to help Viktor with his side. His hands and any attempts to help are batted away with the same huff he always gets when he tries to help Viktor with just about anything.

It’s his own fault, for the most part. He had to be taught how to ask before stepping in with the other man. He has been whacked with Viktor’s cane enough times to know what to do now.

But there is the mountain of presents in the back of his car to try and deal with.

He manages to get three of the smaller boxes into his arms before he hears the familiar rushing footfalls of his cousins. He has enough time to brace himself before three—no, four— small bodies collide into him. “Jayce! Jayce! Jayce!” They all clamber around him. None of them are tall enough to reach his chest, but small quick hands inspect what he has in his arms and what he might have for them in particular, and where has he been all year—

“Need a hand?”

He looks up and spots Viktor smirking at him, at the chaos surrounding him. And they’re not even in the house yet. He fetches some bags and hands them to the other man. “Could you…?” he asks. Viktor wordlessly slings them over his shoulder, using his cane to steady his side to compensate for the weight change.

Two of the children blink at the other man, regarding him with curious eyes for a moment. Jayce has to bite the inside of his cheek. In the slew of questions they’ve already hurled at him, he’s shocked that no one has been pestering the stranger in his car. Unless, of course, his aunties have already prepared the children with relevant information.

He almost colours at the thought.

A few of his older cousins spot him from the porch. They take the brunt of the boxes and bags, already peering inside for what might be theirs. His eldest cousin, Isa, takes the bags from Viktor, offering him a small courteous smile, before her name is called through the house. “Isa? Isa, would you please tell your mother that we have enough desserts? We will have to start rolling people out of this house—”

Even with a crowded house, he could still find his mom anywhere.

He manages a small smile before his mom rushes to him, arms outstretched. “Mijo,” Ximena breathes, gathering Jayce into a firm hug.

She still clutches him as tightly as she did when she first dropped him off at college. Her knuckles always whitened where she caught, whether it was the back of his shirt or her own hands, locked together, hoping that he wouldn’t wander too far away from her side.

Even though she’s half his height, he still feels so small when gathered into her arms.

A handful of his relatives must spot him. Distantly, he can hear his name called. But Ximena holds on that bit tighter before eventually letting him go. She frames his face with her hands, brushing her thumbs along his stubbled cheeks. Her eyes water.

Jayce swallows thickly. “Mama,” he greets, hugging her again. Video calls can only do so much. She’s threatened to visit him over the years — to make the journey to his campus and see just how busy he actually is, now that he rarely returns home. His younger-self, fresh out of highschool and mortified at the idea of his mother sieging his dorm room, was enough to embarrass him. Now, he wishes she would turn up at his door someday.

Eventually, he clears his throat, pulling away from her. He isn’t alone this year. “Ma,” he says after a moment, gesturing to the man behind him, “this, uh, this is—”

An even brighter smile breaks onto Ximena’s face. She rushes to the poor man, arms already outstretched for a hug. In all the years he’s known Viktor, the man doesn’t hug. It took him almost a year to touch Jayce back, even just on the shoulder or his arm. He has to stop himself from laughing when Viktor tries to hide a balk when Ximena hugs him.

“Viktor! We have heard so much about you.” When she pulls away, she gathers his hand in hers. The flurry of questions begins. “How was the drive? Isa said that the snow was to hit us later. Hopefully people can get home safely. We only have a few rooms made up. Jayce, your tio Luis might have to drive people home if it comes to it. We cannot have your cousins staying with us again, mijo, I mean it! They nearly ate us out of house and home last time. It must have been an easy drive, no? Come boys, inside. It’s freezing out here. Viktor, have you eaten? We have plenty to go around, so don’t be shy—”

Jayce buries his laugh behind his hand as he watches his mom dart back through the house, heading towards the kitchen and calling out for two plates to be made up. Viktor blinks.

“I told you,” Jayce grins, huffing a small laugh as Viktor does the same. A faint flush of colour lifts to the other man’s cheeks, no doubt down to the heat of the house. Packed with people, the air is already thicker with warmth and the heady scent of wine and alcohol. When he glances into the living room, he spots a collection of his aunties already strewn out on the couches, holding half-drunk wine glasses. No doubt several refills have already been taken up.

Moving through the house is easier than he expects. Some of his cousins, kept to the hallway for lack of anywhere else to stand, step out of the way when he leads Viktor through the space. A few of them glance down at the other man’s cane and his uneven step. His cousin, Maria, who must be only twelve now he thinks, opens her mouth to say something — until her older sister slaps a hand over her mouth and shuffles her into the living room.

He finds Ximena in the kitchen, expertly navigating the crowd gathered around the tables and counterspace there. Some of his relatives have taken up washing the dishes. Or, more likely, they were just the first people his mother saw before plates were stacked in front of them.

Jayce clears his throat. “Mama,” he calls. He inclines his head towards the stairs. “I’ll just drop our stuff upstairs, if that’s okay?”

Ximena waves him away, turning to his other relatives at some spots they missed on a few of the plates. While she’s distracted, and no one else seems to have noticed him, he turns to Viktor and almost grabs the man by the wrist. “Come on, while we have a chance.”

His room is as he left it.

The same cobalt blue walls, almost entirely covered in posters and pictures stuck there with tape. A few picture frames are scattered throughout. Prizes from high school science fairs. His bachelor's degree. An award from college. Most of the posters are well worn now. Some of them are sun-bleached, others have frayed corners. He’s convinced that there was a constellation one on his ceiling at one point, but it might have fallen down. He loved charting the stars when he was in bed. It helped him go to sleep.

He lived in his house until college, so his bed, thankfully, can fit the both of them quite easily. Warmth threatens to flush his face at the notion that it only hits him now that he will have to share a bed with Viktor. All of the other rooms in the house have been accounted for by family members staying over for the night.

But the corners of his lips twitch at the sight of new bedsheets and linens, an extra set of pillows — newly bought, no doubt — and extra quilts neatly folded by the foot of the bed.

As he sets his and Viktor’s bags down beside the bed, he watches the other man out of the corner of his eye. His cheeks almost turn scarlet when Viktor locks in on one picture in particular.

It’s old and worn around the edges, but in all the moves he and his mom have done throughout the years, that particular picture has survived. He couldn’t have been older than six or seven. His hair was a darker brown than it is now, and his eyes were so bright and big and amber. The gap between his front teeth was more pronounced then, shown off by his big toothy grin as he held up a small plastic trophy and a blue ribbon. He remembers exactly when that picture was taken. Science fairs at elementary schools weren’t well attended then. A handful of kids put stuff forward. But he spent weeks making a working model of the solar system, and he’s sure that the principal only gave him the plastic trophy as a way to get him to stop talking about why planets move in the way they do—

Viktor spends a bit too long looking at the picture. When Jayce spots his shoulders jostling slightly, he glowers at the man. “Oh, please don’t—”

Viktor laughs. “But you were so cute!” When he turns to face him, Jayce scowls. The smirk on his lips almost overtakes his entire face. Jayce swears that the gold in his eyes almost glitters with delight. He fishes his phone out of his pocket, his grin growing wilder as Jayce’s face whitens. “Do the others know of this photo?”

His frown sets further into his brow. “No, they don’t,” he states simply, pointing a finger at the other man. “And they never will.”

It’s clear his mom has already been dressing the room. New sheets, new linens, two laundry baskets at the foot of the bed. He notes a small collection of toiletries on his desk, long-cleared of his stuff now that he doesn’t live here anymore.

Viktor sets his bag onto the foot of the bed. Rifling through his things, he pulls out a wrapped bottle of his mom’s favourite wine. He remembers seeing it appear in their kitchen a few days ago. Jayce almost made him leave it behind.

You don’t have to get her anything, V!

But I want to. She’s your mom.

Jayce all but chucks his own bag and things into his old closet, nudging the door half-way closed to keep it out of sight. He’s sure that some of his old clothes are still here. He spots the familiar cobalt blue hoodie he used to wear when in high school. The school’s insignia had been embroidered onto one of the sleeves. Now, the hem of the hoodie is looser and the stitching is frayed.

And his mom still insisted on keeping it all the same.

He doesn’t know when exactly he notices it. But he definitely knows when some part of his mind registers it as a problem.

His bed is still the same. The same double that housed him comfortably for his teenage years — when he had been leaner and a little shorter. When he returns home for Christmas, it’s still comfortable, and he can still fit onto it without much hassle — when it’s only him.

Trying to fit the two of them on the one bed might pose a problem.

His breath almost catches when he remembers that particular phone call with his mom.

The river running through the college looked particular inviting. If he threw himself into the icy water, he didn’t have to listen to his mom talk about the logistics of fitting two grown men into a single bed — and hoping that nothing came of it.

His cheeks turn scarlet, even now. He has to find something on his old desk to fidget with for a moment, hoping to God that Viktor isn’t speaking to him or asking him a question. With the deafening rush of blood in his ears, he can’t hear a thing.

Viktor is his friend. His best-friend. He’s his partner, his roommate. On the few occasions where Viktor has to stay a night away from the apartment for a conference, or Professor’s Heimerdinger’s projects, his chest aches.

But they’re friends

He regards the bed through the mirror in front of his desk. How could they manage it? There are enough pillows on the bed to form a wall of some kind. With the bed pushed into the corner of the room, he’ll take the inside and leave Viktor to the outside. He might want to be able to get in and out of the bed by himself, and the last thing he needs is to wake up with Viktor trying to climb over him—

A flush of colour returns to his cheeks at the thought of it. Well, some part of him thinks, you’ve had to share some pretty snug places before. He can vividly remember waking up with Viktor’s elbow in his neck one morning after pulling an all-nighter.

He clears his throat. “So, uh,” he says, looking around the room for nothing in particular. Anything to avoid looking at Viktor directly. “We can head down now, if you want. I’m sure Mom has food for us.”

Viktor blinks, regarding him for a moment. When he nods, Jayce all but bolts out of the room, only taking a second to make sure the other man is indeed following him.

The second he clears the last step of the stairs, people are already calling to him. Jayce! How’s college? How are you getting on? PhD what in, again? Oh, finally! A Doctor in the family! Will you be able to get a job afterwards? How much does that degree of yours set you back money-wise

He answers as many questions as he can, and awkwardly laughs off others. His uncles linger on the job market, with furrowed brows and murmurs that things just aren’t as prosperous as they used to be. An aunt he hasn’t seen in years jabs a manicured finger into his shoulder, smirking and trying to lure information out about the ladies in college.

Jayce just about manages to stop himself from choking on his drink. His mom handed it to him with a soft smile, but he hasn’t seen her since. He’s all but trapped in the living room, backed up against one of the walls, pulled apart in different directions as more family members wander in and out of the room, having found out that Ximena’s boy is home with that guest of his.

He’s sure that there are more cousins this year than any other. He notes the presence of several toddlers, plodding around the living room and occasionally colliding into each other. Some of his older cousins are his age, and huddled together in the hall outside. When Isa catches his eye, she rolls hers and sighs, with her gaze then darting to her mom all but sunk into one of the couches. He huffs a short laugh. She’s gotten a nose ring since he last saw her. He can only imagine how that went down with her mom.

His aunt Martina appears at his side. She still sports the same painted face and over-lined lips, though this year, her brows are even thinner and more drawn on. The woman cracks a coy smile at him. “Tell me this, Jayce, where is this partner of yours? Who would have thought that our little Jayce would finally be brave enough to bring a boyfriend home for the holidays?”

It earns a chuckle from the relatives around him, and a few knowing looks.

Jayce blinks. “Excuse me?”

Martina waves an expertly manicured hand. “Your partner, Jayce! Your mama told us you were bringing a boy home.”

And if the room wasn’t warm enough before, he feels like he’s on fire now.

He splutters. “Oh, oh, no, tía, he’s just a friend—”

Another aunt straightens, her eyes suddenly sharper. “A boy?” A delighted grin stretches across her painted lips. “Where is he, then? We have to meet him—”

Jayce glances to his side, and further afield of the gathered relatives around him, and blinks.

There is a distinct lack of Viktor.

The benefit of being one of the tallest people in his family means he can simply peer over heads in order to try and find the other man. The noise is almost deafening. He catches snippets of conversations as he drifts by different rooms and the people gathered in them. Some people call out to him, claiming to have not seen him in years

He even hears Martina and her sister beginning to comb through the living room in order to find out where Jayce’s friend could be.

Jesus, I have to find him before they do. Of all the thoughts darting through his head, that’s the one that lingers with him.

When he finds Viktor, he finds that he can breathe again.

The kitchen, surprisingly enough, has calmed down. Most of the dishes are still stacked by the sink. Emptied trays have been left behind, with nothing on them but crumbs of what might have been tamales and pozole and rosca de reyes. If he knows his mother as well as he does, he’s sure that there are even more platters and trays hidden away somewhere, ready to be set out.

A few relatives who are in the kitchen pass in and out, greeting him as they go, but he stares at the sight of Viktor and his mother sitting at one end of the dining table, engrossed in an animated conversation.

He can only imagine what in particular.

Between the chatter of a hundred different conversations around him, his aunts’ cackling laughs from the next room, almost splitting through the walls of the house, and the Christmas music playing through the speakers dotted throughout every room, he can’t hear a word of what Viktor and his mother are saying before he’s beside them.

“—Quantum entanglement?” Ximena tries.

Viktor’s eyes widen. “Yes, exactly!” He presses a finger onto a groove in the kitchen table, tracing it along until it splits and rejoins again. “I have noticed some gaps in the literature about it and thought it might be something worth investigating. The Professor has been a great help, but he encourages us to look into other avenues.”

Neither of them realises he’s there until he sets his hand onto the back of Viktor’s chair. His knuckles turn near-white around the wooden support. “Viktor, there you are.” He tries his best to not sound as breathless as he really is. Despite only having gone from one room to the next, he feels like he’s run a marathon.

Ximena offers him a warm smile. “We were just talking about Viktor’s studies, mijo, don’t worry,” she assures. Bright eyes turn back to Viktor. “Professor Heimerdinger has quite a cohort of students this year. I’m sure we will be hearing all about your new discoveries with time, Viktor.”

Even though he can’t see the man’s face, he’s sure that Viktor blushes. And it’s not from the warmth of the house.

“Thank you, Mrs. Talis, that is very kind of you to say,” Viktor mumbles.

Jayce’s mom waves her hand. “Ximena, Viktor, please,” she says as firmly as she can, placing her hand over Viktor’s. The colour on the man’s face surely darkens at the touch — though its brief.

Jayce clears his throat. “Uh, Mama? Could I have a word with you for a second?”

melmedarda [21:46] vi and cait finally kissed. they were as clueless as you and viktor so hopefully now you two can sort your shit out

melmedarda [21:49] if you don’t tell him then i will

melmedarda [21:49] but it’s okay if you don’t. must be scary: being in love with your best friend

“I didn’t know you smoked.”

The shock of a familiar voice whips him around. Viktor eyes him curiously: by himself on the back porch of the house, in the freezing cold, just as snow is beginning to form, with a mostly smoked cigarette poised between his fingers.

Jayce breathes out a plume of smoke, shooing it away from Viktor’s direction. “Rarely,” he grunts, stubbing out the cigarette. “I did when I was a teenager. Me and Isa. When our moms found out,” he blows out a breath, shaking his head. It was a tense summer.

He doesn’t have to look at Viktor to know that he’s smiling. He huffs a quiet laugh and joins him out on the porch, looking over the dark backyard. There isn’t much to see. It's the same amount of land the other houses have, neatly framed by white trellises. Although it's all gone now, he can still point out where his swing set used to be, and the slide that nearly broke his arm once. He remembers his mom eventually relenting and buying him a trampoline one year: without a net. Back then, no one ever thought that any harm would come of it. He and Isabella spent that summer in matching slings. The trampoline was never seen again.

Viktor joins him by the edge of the porch, away from view of those inside the house. The railings are cold and speckled with ice. It’s going to snow soon. The sky is still clear, though, and he watches Viktor look up and chart the stars again.

He’s quiet. Viktor and him can leave quiet moments between them; but when Jayce watches the other man for a moment, he notices the slight hooding of his eyes. Jayce frowns. “Hey.” He nudges Viktor’s shoulder with his own. “You okay?”

Viktor doesn’t respond. For a second, he thinks that the other man might not have heard him. He stares so intently up at the sky, it’s possible that he’s just lost in his own thoughts. Jayce knows that look. But as he opens his mouth to speak, Viktor suddenly nods. “Yeah. I just…needed a minute, I guess.”

Jayce winces. “Sorry. They can be a lot.” Even outside, with the porch doors closed, he can still hear muffled conversations and music droning on.

Viktor shakes his head. “No, it’s…” He sighs, frowning as he searches for the right words. “It’s nice. You have a lot of family. I didn’t know that. So many traditions too.”

Jayce rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah,” he laughs. “It’s funny; when I first went to college, I thought everyone did these things. I got some pretty funny looks from Mel and the others for a while.”

A fond smile lingers on his lips for a moment. He remembers those looks: when he had to learn that not everyone had the same spread of food and snacks in the days leading up to Christmas, no one else listened to the same carols. During his sophomore year, he organised a Christmas gathering for his roommates and friends. Despite being poor students, the spread of food lasted not only the night, but the next two days after that. He was practically giving away most of it to anyone he met in the following days.

“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to remember everyone’s name, though,” Viktor huffs.

Jayce laughs. “Don’t worry about it. I have to remind myself of some of them too. I haven’t seen some of my cousins in years. The last time I saw Victoria was when she was six. I used to babysit here when her dad was in town. It’s insane that she’s already viewing colleges now.”

Silence settles over them again. Beyond his house, Jayce can hear some kids outside playing in their own backyards. With the promise of snow, he’s sure that plenty of snowball wars will take place on the main street through the neighbourhood.

His ears twitch when Viktor suddenly rasps. “My parents moved here and never looked back,” he comments idly, as though he were talking about the weather. He lifts a shoulder. “Some cousins came to visit years ago, I suppose. But they never thought of moving back there, to their families. I don’t know if any of them are still alive. Mom and Dad…came here to start again. That’s what they told me, anyway.”

Jayce watches the other man for a moment. Viktor’s jaw works, tightens ever so slightly, before relaxing again. His eyes cloud for a second before he lowers his head and shakes any lingering thoughts away. “You never talk about your parents,” Jayce rasps.

At that, Viktor merely lifts a shoulder. “What’s there to talk about?” he asks, frowning at the question. “They’re good people. They wanted me to do my best in everything I did. Even when I would study for hours and hours, they would bring me food and drinks, and always insisted on taking breaks. I never understood it, really. I just wanted to work. What if I forgot where I was with a point—”

Jayce snorts. “You’re like that now,” he grins, unmoving even as Viktor taps his leg with his cane. The firm stare he gets is something he can ignore too.

Viktor’s eyes eventually soften. “They call every so often. We talk. Mom likes to know where I am with my studies. But we don’t…” Viktor regards the scene of Jayce’s family inside. “We just…We got more distant, that’s all.”

Jayce hums. He knows that Viktor sometimes takes phone calls in the lab, rushing outside as quickly as he can to talk more openly in the hallway. He does the same in their apartment, retreating to his room. In all the years he’s spent around Viktor, he knows that his voice rasps and grows slightly deeper when he speaks with his parents — speaking in another language entirely.

After a quiet moment, the man beside him eventually huffs. “You know,” Viktor begins, folding his arms in front of his chest, “I heard something about us inside.”

The growing flush of colour on Jayce’s face can simply be blamed on the cold, or the one glass of wine pressed into his hand by his aunt—

Viktor turns to face him. “I suppose it’s easy to misunderstand. The word partner can have so many meanings nowadays.”

If the earth beneath him were to cleave open, and he fell into the depths of hell, it might be a more pleasant experience than listening to Viktor jokingly mull over the thought of him and Jayce together—

He takes a lengthy drag of his cigarette, blowing out the smoke in a single, sharp breath. Stubbing it out like the last, he shoves the half-smoked cigarette back into his packet and shoves that into his pocket. He regards Viktor for a moment, noting just how tightly he has his arms crossed in front of his chest. “Come on, it’s too cold to stay out here for long,” he says, holding the door open for the other man.

As soon as he steps back inside, to the noise and the smell of food and perfume and the deafening sounds of chatter and music, he almost drowns in it all.

“How was I meant to know he was just your lab partner?”

He can’t believe what he’s hearing. Isabella had the gall to look affronted when he snagged her wrist and dragged her to the stairs, away from the eyes and ears of their family. “We are both PhD students, and we work in a lab!” Jayce presses, admittedly a bit loudly. When a nearby cohort of his family glance over their shoulders to look at him and his cousin, he lowers his voice. “Isa, come on. Do we really look like—”

Isabella glowers at him. “Don’t fall for shitty stereotypes like that, Jay,” she huffs, folding her arms over her chest. He balks. He wouldn’t

As he stares at her, and time seems to drone on, she eventually catches the bridge of her nose and sighs. “Alright, I’ll let everyone know that their darling golden boy has, in fact, not found a boyfriend in college.”

Jayce holds her stare for a moment, before he eventually sighs and his shoulders stoop. “Thank you, Isa.”

But the woman suddenly lurches forward. “Even though he has clearly brought someone home with him for the holidays,” Isabella continues, jabbing a finger into his collarbone, “someone he cares about a lot, and doesn’t stop talking about whenever I text him—”

Jayce groans. “You’re worse than Mel,” he grunts, walking away from her before she can confront him about any more facts.

jaycetalis [23:43] after a comedy of miscommunication, people think viktor is my boyfriend

melmedarda [23:47] in other breaking news, water is wet. more on these shocking developments at 9

jaycetalis [23:52] ???

The rest of the night passes him in a haze. Whether its from the familiar hum of tequila or the lingering, overwhelming thoughts of his entire family thinking that he and Viktor are boyfriends, it’s hard to say.

Maybe it’s a terrible combination of the two.

But if he were to be completely truthful, he can’t remember the last time he slept so soundly.

Although the campus is sprawling, and he’s lived away from the main centre of it for years, there are always noises creeping into his rooms. Whether it was the campus’ bell tolling the early hour, or students rushing to their first classes, or maintenance staff choosing to trim hedges and fell trees at nine in the morning, there was always something to try and sleep through.

But he climbs awake now, frowning into the crook of his arm as a single beam of bright light stretches into the room through a gap in the curtains. Even facing the wall, the beam of light still manages to climb up along the bed, reaching for his eyes. He sighs. Rolling onto his other side, he hides away from the light as best as he can. There is a small mound of pillows and rolled up blankets in front of him; something he stares at for a moment before remembering—

Mel told him once that he acts like a fish out of water even when asleep. The last thing he wanted to do was roll over and hurt Viktor by throwing out an arm in his sleep, or pressing his leg to Viktor’s, aggravating it.

It’s far from a great wall of pillows and blankets. He tilts his head just enough to be able to glance over it, and frowns.

The other side of the bed is completely empty. The comforter and blankets have been pushed back completely, with some of them actually tugged over to Jayce’s side and wrapped snugly around himself.

“V?” he rasps, glancing around the room. Empty. Quiet. Still. Jayce frowns.

Pushing himself up requires more effort than he’s willing to admit. Exhaustion settled into his bones and it’s not too keen on being lifted away. When he reaches the foot of the bed, he has to take a second and gather his senses for a moment.

The house is completely still and quiet. The noise, the smells, the heat of last night, are all gone. Now, the house is more like he remembers it. Peaceful. For years, it had just been him and his mom. Aunties and uncles had clicked their tongues at Ximena’s decision to move to a house like this. It’s far too big for just the two of you. When Jayce moves away, what then, Ximena?

He knows which stairs will give and creak under his weight. The path from his room to the stairs to the kitchen is a well-practised one, and one that he can take without thinking. Thankfully.

He blinks at just how bright the kitchen is, now that it’s empty of people. Rubbing his jaw, he watches his mom stride into the kitchen with some trash bags. The woman takes a second to acknowledge him before pressing on with the job at hand. “Mornin’, Ma,” he rasps, clearing his throat. “Where is everyone?”

Ximena clicks her tongue. “Mijo, it’s almost one in the afternoon,” she chides, lightly tapping him on the chest as she passes him. She points to the other side of the kitchen. “I have your breakfast in the oven. I’ll warm it through.”

She moves around a bit too fast for him to catch up. He sets the small of his back against the countertop, with it being stable enough for him to take a moment and wipe any last sleep and grogginess away from his eyes.

A soft frown still lingers on his brow. “Viktor…?”

“Has been down already,” Ximena says pointedly, nodding to the dining table. Even with the plates gone, he can tell it’s been set. “Insisted he didn’t want anything, but he is under my roof, and I will not have a guest of mine hungry. No, that won’t do.”

Sounds like him, Jayce thinks. “Where is he now?”

Ximena inclines her head towards the stairs. “He asked to use the shower, but let people go ahead of him. I told your tío to leave some hot water behind. You know what he can be like when it’s not his water bill to pay.”

He listens to his mom rattle on about how the rest of the night went. Some of his relatives didn’t stay for much longer after he went upstairs. Others lingered until they were all but pushed out. One or two of his cousins crashed on the couch, while those who stayed in the spare rooms were packed and gone an hour ago, promising to be back for Christmas Eve.

When he finally regains what’s left of his senses, he’s suddenly sitting at the dining table with a plate of scrambled eggs and sausage in front of him. His stomach aches at the sight of it. His mother hands him a fork and knife.

She doesn’t take the seat opposite or beside him. She doesn’t take a seat at all. Instead, as Jayce pushes his breakfast around his plate, he watches her linger in the middle of the kitchen for a moment, fidgeting with the pendant on her necklace. “We spoke for a while, Viktor and I. He’s very curious, no? Asked so many questions about the family and me; me, of all people. Can you imagine that? Kept calling me Mrs Talis. I thought I told him to stop that.” She sighs, almost wistfully. “Such a nice boy.”

The last comment is directed at him in a certain way.

Jayce groans, rubbing a hand across his face. His breakfast is long forgotten. “Ay, Ma—”

“I’m not prying, mi amor,” Ximena holds up her hands, “but Isa told me about you and Viktor, and one thing led to another—How were we supposed to know that you and this boy weren’t together, hey? Any time I call you it’s Viktor-this and Viktor-that. And you know Isa, lecturing us all about how language has evolved, and we have to keep open minds these days—”

He can only imagine how those conversations went.

Ximena sets a hand onto her hip. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. That boy seems like a nice friend. Friends are important, especially so far away from home. I’m just happy that you are happy.”

As he scoops some eggs onto his fork, Jayce pauses for a moment.


The word stays with him for longer than it means to. Even as his mom starts to wander around the house again, tidying up the last of what their relatives left behind, and chattering about everything she learned from her sisters, he stares down at the plate in front of him with a frown etched into his brow.


When he finds Viktor, it’s back in his room, with the other man putting his brace back onto his leg. He could draw his childhood bedroom from memory. And he can map out every line of Viktor’s face if he wanted to. But seeing Viktor in his childhood bedroom, sitting at the edge of his bed, it’s something that takes him a second to process.

Evidently, it’s too long of a second.

He blinks as he suddenly realises Viktor is looking at him expectantly. The other man tilts his head. “Are you in there, Jayce?” Viktor eventually asks.

Jayce’s breath catches up with him. “Sorry, I, uh,” he stammers, scrambling for something to say. “What did you say?”

The corners of Viktor’s mouth twitch in a half-smile. “I asked if you slept well,” he repeats slowly, as though he were explaining the origins of the universe to Jayce yet again.

Whether colour is trying to flush onto Jayce’s face, or drain from it completely, he doesn’t know. But he does feel his chest tighten. “Yeah. Did you?” At Viktor’s nod, he mirrors it. “Good. That’s good. I’m glad.”

The bed is still a mess. He can sleep soundly without many sheets, so most of them on his side were kicked down and off of the bed throughout the night. But he knows that Viktor is always cold. Even in the middle of summer, when their AC is broken and the whole city is under a heat warning, the man will find some chill in the air to make him shiver.

His hair is still damp, scrunched and poking out in different directions. As Viktor finishes setting the brace flush against his leg, he rolls down the leg of his trousers. “Any plans for today?” he asks, glancing up at the other man.

Jayce rubs the back of his neck. His hometown is, thankfully, big enough to explore. Some of it might have changed while he was away. His mom doesn’t think so, and Isa all but complained about one of the last good non-chain restaurants shutting down, replaced by bigger companies—

He clears his throat. “I thought we could just hang around here. We could go somewhere if you want?”

Viktor mulls over the idea. “I don’t know the area. Unless you’re willing to show me?”

There is nothing he’d love to do more. To be in a car with Viktor, listening to music, cruising idly along while he shows the man his elementary school, the mall he used to hang out in with his friends, the local diners that are still left, it would be perfect.

But there is still a tightness in his chest that almost robs him of his breath. It’s not unfamiliar to him. He’s felt it for years, on and off, for the most part. Always around Viktor.

His mouth nearly dries. “Could I, uh…” He manages, rubbing the back of his neck. “Could I talk to you…about something?”

“You can talk to me about anything, Jayce. You know that.”

Well it’s not usually about

He has to stop himself from slapping himself in the face.

It’s mortifying. He’s almost twenty-nine—

When he swallows, he winces at the lump forming in his throat. “So, about last night, I, uh, I didn’t think that…or, let’s say, I didn’t know that people thought of us…that way.”

Viktor follows along as much as he can. His brow knits for a second — and the sight of it almost sends a blind panic through Jayce. He holds up his hands. “You know, I didn’t think I needed to press the whole we’re just friends thing, but here we are,” Jayce offers instead, forcing out a laugh.

Viktor’s expression doesn’t change. “These situations can be embarrassing,” he says after a moment, shrugging a shoulder. The unreadable expression on his face eventually blinks away, replaced with a small, if weak, smile. He grabs his cane, set always an arm’s reach away from him, and stands to full height with barely a wince. “Come on then. I want to see the town that made Jayce Talis.”

If he drives for long enough, maybe it’s possible for him to run his car into a pole. It would be a lot less painful than sitting in an enclosed space with Viktor, half-listening to one of their shared playlists on the car’s audio system, drifting down from street to street in order to find parking.

In the back of his mind, he can still see Viktor’s face that morning. That utterly unreadable expression when he mulled over the thought of them being perceived as something they’re not.

He runs over his own words in his mind. Now that he thinks about it, he can’t even remember what he said.

The corner of Viktor’s lip twitches. “You don’t have to move the car every time we move on,” he says after a moment, glancing over at the other man. “I can walk, you know.”

Jayce press his lips into a thin line. “Yeah, but, it’s cold. I know how you get when you get cold.”

In the corner of his eye, he watches Viktor balk. “I don’t get like anything, Jayce,” he huffs, all but folding his arms and setting them over his chest. At the small laugh huffed out of Jayce, his arms tighten.

Even though Viktor insists on walking, the town is too scattered to walk from place to place. One of the last diners in the town shares its space with a gas station and a fitness studio. Further down the street is the intersection, where the elementary school is, and on the other side of the town is his high school. With it being so close to Christmas Day, he’s surprised to see the amount of people walking around the streets, bundling bags of gifts and food into the trunks of their cars.

Angela’s is the diner he visited the most. His mom took shifts here. Even now, all these years later, the same two women are behind the counter and greet him as he steps inside with Viktor in tow. The booth in the very corner, with hard-leather seats that are starting to crack and fray, is his. He used to do his homework in that booth, waiting for him mom to finish up with her shift so he could drive them home.

Viktor takes it all in as if they’ve stepped onto a new planet. The diner houses only a handful of patrons today. Regulars like Mr Jorge still sit perched by the counter, nursing a jet-black mug of coffee while scanning spectacled eyes over the daily newspaper. The waitress that rushes down to greet him showers him with the same attention his family did the night before — but this time, he watches Viktor hide a fond smile into his hand as he watches Jayce squirm under the attention.

It’s…odd. Everything is so familiar to him, and yet not at all. He watches Viktor actively forget about the food in front of him in favour of taking a napkin from the dispenser and tracing a physics equation onto it. Whatever Heimerdinger has him focused on, it’s all-consuming.

But that’s Viktor. Jayce sets his chin onto his hand as he watches the man ramble insistently about what the literature is missing. If he can just find it, and prove himself right, it could be groundbreaking.

What’s odd is that the setting is so familiar to him; the smell of the diner is the same, the same three songs play on repeat from the jukebox in the far corner. Viktor is still the same. Rattling on and on about the ideas flourishing in his mind, all the while sneaking fries from Jayce’s plate. But the combination of the two of them — his childhood home with Viktor in it — it’s so strikingly unfamiliar that it doesn’t seem real. It’s like if he moves too quickly, or makes too loud of a sound, everything around him will shatter and he’ll find himself back at home, alone, without Viktor, or without his home, or without both—

Eventually, Viktor lures words out of him.

He’s not too sure just how long they spend at the diner. When Viktor levels him with a question about his life here, and doesn’t take a simple it was nice for an answer, Jayce runs his finger along a groove worked into the metal edge of the table. “We moved around a lot,” he offers simply, lifting a shoulder. When he looks outside at the street, he regards the few buildings clustered together in groups, in the pavements littered with people, and the cracks and potholes in the road, expertly navigated by the people who live here. “This place, though, was nice enough for us to stay. Well, mom stayed. As soon as I finished high school, I got my scholarship and left for college.”

Viktor hums. Sitting back against the booth’s seat, he just watches Jayce as he navigates the timeline of his life here. He has to pause every so often. There are blanks in his memories, or things he’d rather not say. Viktor doesn’t need to know everything about him. Surely not.

But the other man looks at him so openly, so expectantly, and talking to Viktor is so easy…

Jayce clears his throat. “My, uh, my dad died when I was young,” he offers, watching Viktor’s brow knit and his eyes soften. “I was eight, I think. I don’t remember much of him. Mom has all of his pictures. Some of them are in the living room. It’s weird. I used to look at them and think, if he were still here, would we have stayed where we were…”

His voice trails off. If it weren’t for the pictures in his home, he doubts he would be even able to remember what his dad looked like. He spent so much time away, flitting from base to base. If they had stayed somewhere and set roots down, if his dad had taken another job, or retired, would any part of his life now be the same? Would he have gotten his scholarship? Would he have done a four-year bachelors in three? Would he still be studying engineering?

Would he have ever met Viktor?

Eventually, Jayce notices the look on Viktor’s face, and he shakes his head. “Sorry, I don’t mean to dump my shit on you.”

Viktor’s eyes soften. The hand comfortably set on the table reaches out and covers one of Jayce’s. It’s only then does he realise how firmly he was pressing it into the table. Viktor squeezes his hand. “It’s okay. When I tell you that you can talk to me about anything, Jayce, I mean it.”

The back of his eyes sting. He’s just too kind: Viktor. He remembers how it took him weeks to pull a single word out of the man when they were working on separate projects in the same lab. And the moment Viktor uncovered something Jayce was working on, and how well it intersected his own work, and how revolutionary the results could be, he can’t remember a time where Viktor hasn’t stopped talking to him.

The lingering touch on his hand threatens to scald him.

Viktor pulls away. The loss of warmth on his hand is almost enough to cry about. Jayce is mortified with the idea.

The other man sniffs, fidgeting with the hem of his sweater before he offers Jayce a small smile. “I’m sure he’d be very proud about everything you’ve accomplished,” he states, as though it were the simplest fact in the universe.

They decide its time to leave the diner when a group of teenagers stroll in, laughing and prodding at each other, and taking one of the booths closest to theirs. Some of them surely recognise him. If he’s right — and he hopes to God that he isn’t — there should be a picture of him still up somewhere on the school’s walls.

Viktor blinks at him as soon as they sit back into the car. “Excuse me, what?” he asks. The corners of his lips twitch, giving way to an all too delighted smile.

Jayce rolls his eyes. “You win one state science fair, and suddenly you’re a hero,” he grumbles, pulling out of the parking lot and heading home.

melmedarda [15:57] how was your date?

jaycetalis [16:17] it wasn’t a date

melmedarda [16:21] you invited him to spend the holidays with your family, brought him on the exclusive Jayce Talis Hometown Tour…

melmedarda [16:21] you’re right, that’s not a date. that’s something boyfriends do. congratulations

jaycetalis [16:45] i hate you

The town is small enough to be toured in a day. Without anything else to do, Viktor is happy enough being educated in Jayce’s mom’s latest TV shows.

Peering around the kitchen door, Jayce colours at the sight. The TV has been on since this morning. His mom often has it on throughout the day as background noise; it makes living in the house alone a little bit easier. It also helps her think. In the rare moments where none of his extended family have descended on the house, it can be painfully quiet.

But Jayce had listened to the familiar drone of his mom’s telenovela in the background, rolling his eyes with a smirk at the latest scandal to hit the screens. He prepares enough food for the three of them, having convinced his mom to finally tell his aunties that no, they can’t just storm into the house last minute, not when she already hosts guests.

Cooking is familiar to him. If it were up to the both of them, he and Viktor would be living off of takeout brought into the lab. He ambles around the kitchen as easily as he would if he was still at his apartment. Ximena has moved nothing, so when he opens cabinets and drawers, he can still find pots and pans and cutlery

His mom’s commentary is something he grew up with. No matter where they moved or how many hours of work she put in, he remembers lying against her side and watching the shows, listening to her comment on everything and anything that happens.

But he almost dropped the avocado when he heard Viktor’s voice join the commentary.

He sticks his head into the living room, surveying the sight in front of him. His mom sits on one side of the couch, with Viktor on the other. She insisted on bringing some throws down to cover them both, noticing just how cold Viktor’s fingers were when they got back home.

Ximena explains what she can, vaulting between English and Spanish so quickly, even Jayce can’t track which is which for a moment. Viktor seems to follow along fine, though. He nods along, laughing softly when Ximena clicks her tongue about the protagonist’s latest choice of actions—

Jayce’s throat bobs. The unusual familiarity of having Viktor in his family home is something he’s slowly getting used to seeing.

When an ad break comes along, Ximena glances at Viktor. “Surely you’ve picked up some Spanish from Jayce? Does he speak it when he’s away?”

Though he can’t see Viktor’s face, he listens to the man laugh softly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yes, well, Jayce’s Spanish tends to be, uh…colourful,” he offers.

Ximena howls a laugh. She all but slaps Viktor’s arm. “Good! You know, Viktor, I try and tell my students that you aren’t fluent in another language unless you can cuss someone out in it.”

Jayce grabs the prepared plates and steps out into the living room before any lessons can start.

He’s not in a habit of going to bed early. Sometimes, when deadlines for results are looming, he might skip sleeping altogether. Sleeping isn’t productive: but his body eventually reminds him how necessary it is. For a whole month, his body had been so tired. His muscles ached no matter how he lay down or sat on the couch. His bones and joints protested every movement. When it came time to move from class to class, the thought of tutoring another group of shark-eyed students hungover from the night before was nearly enough for him to pack up his stuff and move back in with his mom.

But now that he’s at home, he finds himself lounging in his old bed, already half-asleep as Viktor potters around the room. With an arm curled behind his head, he tries to stare at the ceiling as much as possible. Viktor shuffled down the hall to take a shower and change into his pajamas, but ever since he stepped back into the room—

Jayce’s throat bobs.

He steals an occasion glance. Nothing major. Nothing lingering. The room is just big enough to house them, but he can’t just ignore the other man in the space that they’re in. His other hand stays on his chest. His fingers curl slightly into the soft fabric of his shirt. Some of the sheets are slung low across his hips. Others have been kicked off the bed entirely.

He ought to offer them to Viktor. When they’ve shared sleeping space before, he knows just how cold the other man can get. Viktor already has a collection of blankets on his side of the bed, and a pillow further down for his leg to lie on. Although he still shuffles around the room in uneven steps, the cold doesn’t seem to be bothering his leg as much as it would do.

Then again, Jayce considers, the two of them aren’t out in the cold, running from building to building, overworked and under-slept.

When Viktor finally sets at the edge of the bed, and the mattress dips slightly with his weight, Jayce has to stop himself from looking at the man. Viktor is as meticulous with his routine at night as he would be with an engine or mechanism set in front of him. Jayce’s ears twitch. Buckles of Viktor’s brace click and jostle as they’re undone. He knows the moment when the brace is off Viktor’s leg — the other man inhales something sharp, until he releases a slow, if shaking, breath.

At that, Jayce lets his head loll to the side. Viktor makes short work of lying back into the bed, sighing contently as he can finally stretch out his leg and set it on a supporting pillow.

Jayce feels his cheeks warm at just how close they actually are. He watches Viktor’s throat bob as he swallows thickly, trying to steady his breath now that he’s lying down.

Even with the mound of pillows and balled-up blankets between them, he feels entirely too close to the other man.

It’s ridiculous. He’s been physically close to Viktor before. He was always the touchier of the pair. The first time he set a hand onto Viktor’s shoulder, the man levelled him with such a wide-eyed stare that he thought Viktor’s eyes were going to fall out of his head.

But now…

He notices how the corner of Viktor’s mouth begins to relax as he sinks further into the bed, finally relaxing. The small frown knitting his brows ebbs away. A few strands of hair are beginning to turn lighter.

Jayce just about manages to hear himself through the rushing of blood through his ears. “Are you in much pain?” he asks. Some inner part of him winces. His voice doesn’t sound as secure as always. It almost cracks over his words.

Viktor shakes his head. “A bit sore,” he amends after a moment. “But your mom recommended something for that. She’s been very helpful.”

Jayce hums. He remembers the different doctors they visited throughout the years, some of them listened to her, others didn’t. Some offered her painkillers and left it at that. Others tried to figure out if it was all in her head—

He had been kept out of it for the most part. His mom worked as much as she could, but when the joints in her hand began to fail her, and her widow’s allowance starting to wane, he needed to get his own job. It was only when he was in college did he realise just how much strain his mom shouldered in order to keep them above the surface of the water.

Introducing Viktor to her is the easiest thing in the world. She already loves him, he’s sure. No doubt she’ll try to lure a promise out of him to return next year.

He doesn’t know where these thoughts come from exactly. But when they appear, the same curl of something tightens in his chest and core, and he feels electrified and yet sick at the same time.

With the room dark and quiet and still, he almost thinks that he’s left alone to his thoughts for a moment. Staring up at the ceiling, charting the illuminous star stickers he put on his ceiling when he was a teenager, he mulls over his thoughts before a familiar, low voice sounds beside him.

“How do you feel about me, Jayce?”

Any sleep that had begun to drift over him is thrown away. The question sits between them, thickening the air. It takes more effort than he’s willing to admit to turn and look at Viktor again. He debates whether he even wants to. He could be pretend to be asleep. Maybe Viktor didn’t say anything. Maybe it’s all in his head. And he’s going insane

But he turns to look at the other man all the same. It’s dark, but not dark enough to not be able to make out the lines of Viktor’s face. Or the sheer gold of his eyes. They seem like their own light source.

Jayce’s lips part. Anything he might have said stalls in his throat. His mind struggles to keep up with what they might actually say at all.

Viktor watches him with the same infuriating unreadable expression he wears when they’re in the lab. When he’s pouring over an equation that’s avoiding him, or looking over the stability of Jayce’s latest design. It’s utterly unreadable and yet, if Jayce wanders far enough into those amber eyes, he can see the man’s brain working.

He watches Viktor’s brow knit slightly. The question seems to confound the other man too. Well, Jayce manages to think, at least we’re in the same boat

Viktor loosens a breath. “Sorry, I…” he amends after a moment, turning to stare up at the ceiling, “I think I ought to word that better…”

There have been many confusions over the past number of days. Jayce’s face turns scarlet every time he sees his mom watching the two of them interact. How his family fully believed he had brought a boyfriend home for the holidays.

At some point, he might be able to laugh the whole thing off. Until then, he’s at the mercy of his brain reminding him every five minutes or so that people think he’s in love with his best friend—

His breath stills in his throat. For a moment, his tongue feels so heavy in his mouth, unmovable as he mulls over just what to say to the other man. He’s obviously waiting for an answer, if not trying to reword his question in his mind.

If Viktor wanders too far into his thoughts, anything Jayce says might be utterly lost to him.

And he is definitely not going to try and muster the courage again.

So he rolls onto his side, curling an arm under his head, and faces the other man.

“I like you, Vik. You’re my best friend and…” It spills out of him before he can stop it. The air thickens even more. He runs the risk of suffocating on it. The churning of his stomach and the tightening of his chest grow worse, and he fears his heart might even give out when Viktor turns his head to look at him. He swallows thickly. “You’re important to me.”

Say something.

If he could scream it at Viktor, he would.

The silence grows thicker between them. Viktor’s eyes flick between his, almost scrutinising him and his words.

Viktor can surely hear how quickly his heart is hammering in his chest. “How do you feel about me, Viktor?” he tries. Because if Viktor can make him feel like this, he wants to get his own jab in on the other man.

He watches Viktor’s lips part. He stays silent, and Jayce can see the thoughts swirling behind his eyes, Viktor’s brow eventually knits. “You’re important to me too, Jayce,” he says after a moment.

The tightness in his chest doesn’t grow but doesn’t release, either. He doesn’t know which would have been worse.

Viktor’s leg might not be too sore. He turns onto his side with a faint wince, mirroring Jayce in curling his arm under his head. Even with the mound of pillows between them, they’re so close that Jayce can smell mint and sweetmilk on the man’s breath, and the familiar musk of his shower gel. For a brief moment, they’re not in his childhood bedroom anymore. They aren’t even in their apartment. Everything beyond the sight of Viktor in front of him ceases to exist.

Amber eyes flit between his, scrutinising and regarding. With his other hand, Viktor plucks and picks at a fraying edge to the blanket tucked around him. When it slips off of his shoulder, Jayce has to will his hand to stay where it is, curled under his chin, and not reach out to tuck the blanket back over the other man.

Viktor’s gaze breaks from his to examine the piece of thread he’s picking at. “There are times where you confuse me, Jayce,” he admits after a moment. His voice is nothing more than a rasp. Most of his words are almost lost into the crook of his elbow. “I know you better than anyone else, and yet, there are times where I don’t think I know you at all.”

Jayce’s lips press into a thin line. He knows the feeling.

But he waits for Viktor to stop fidgeting for a moment before he breathes, “what do you want to know?”

There are a few streaks of blonde in his hair, Jayce notes. The amber in his eyes is still bright, even with no light. There’s blue there too, and flecks of red. His eyes might have been hazel at one point, but now they look like a star exploding

He almost misses what Viktor finally says. “When you say that you like me,” he begins, choosing his words carefully, “what…what does that mean?”

Jayce’s brow knits. “It…It means that I like you, I—” he cuts himself off. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Vik.”

Viktor sighs against his elbow. A frown furrows his brow, as if what was set in front of him was the latest equation to crack.

If you don’t tell him, then I will.

He knows Mel wouldn’t. She has hovered the threat over him for years: but she would never. But at the same time, he knows that she’s exhausted with watching Jayce skirt around the obvious. And he’s tired too.

His throat bobs. The sound of his swallowing must be deafening. It certainly feels like it in his own ears. If he says it, there’s no going back. He’s just going to have to bear the rest of Christmas, and his life, knowing that with one single blow he shattered his friendship with Viktor into shards. How he’s going to spend the next few days around the man is something he spends too much time lingering on. And that’s not taking in the long drive back to the campus, to their apartment.

Viktor might never speak to him again.

He watches the other man for a moment. He knows what look Viktor takes on when he’s trying to figure something out: whether its an equation or the right word to say.

Before he has a chance to say anything, Jayce swallows thickly. “Some part of me didn’t mind that people thought of us…that way,” he admits. The tips of his ears feel molten. “It, it was nice. I like you so much that it hurts. You mean the world to me. I hate the idea of us having never met.”

The silence that’s left behind is deafening. Surely Viktor can hear his heart rattling in his chest, or the fact that he hasn’t taken a steady breath in what feels like hours.

A breathless laugh huffs out of him before he can stop it. “Please say something, Vik, I’m dying here,” he all but pleads.

When Viktor’s eyes meet his, he has to stop himself from looking away. He can lose himself in those eyes and yet not look at them for too long. Having the man’s sole attention can be as amazing and as terrifying at the same time. Viktor’s lips part again, and instead of waiting for the familiar, terrible silence again, he speaks. “Can I kiss you?”

It comes to a point where he can’t trust his voice not to break. So Jayce nods.

Viktor reaches out, brushing his fingertips along the ridge of Jayce’s stubbled jaw. What’s left of his breath almost rushes out of him. He’s scared to take another, just in case the movement startles the other man away.

Or, by some cruel joke, none of this is real. He’s asleep, dreaming, and Viktor isn’t here in front of him at all.

But when Viktor leans forward, and presses his lips lightly against Jayce’s, any thoughts about him not being real dies with the touch. He presses into the touch as much as he can. Viktor’s hand rests against his neck — familiar, nimble fingers that curl and brush against his skin so gently that he almost cries. When they find Jayce’s nape, they curl into the growing out hair there.

Viktor is a great kisser. One light press of their lips isn’t enough. It evolves as Jayce chases after the other man, almost whining at the idea that they could break apart and never be this close again.

His hand curls around the crook of Viktor’s elbow, just holding him there.

When they do have to break the contact, and Jayce tries to take a shuddering breath, Viktor’s eyes watch him intently. His amber irises are almost gone, swallowed up by his pupils. Jayce misses the sight of them.

Their noses brush, a shared breath mingles between them. If it weren’t for the small mound of blankets and pillows between their bodies, they would be pressed against each other. Jayce debates about throwing it all over the edge of the bed. But that would mean having to break away from Viktor and his touch — and nothing could convince him that it’s worth it.

The fingers curled at the base of his skull catch and play with some of the hair there. Jayce swallows, caught between leaning back into the touch, and wanting to stay as close to Viktor as possible.

“So, when you say that you like me—”

Viktor breaks off in a laugh. It’s breathless for a moment before he makes any sound. And the sound of Viktor’s laugh is something he’s obsessed with. He could be so distant and seemingly cold with people, especially students he tutors or those he argues with over ideas, but Jayce knows this Viktor — who is ridiculous and snarky and has no problem with prodding the other man when he knows it makes Jayce squirm.

Jayce almost balks. “I just want to be sure,” he says, dissolving into a light laugh too. He has to smother it against the crook of his elbow, in case it wakes up the house.

Viktor all but giggles, and if Jayce could bottle it up and keep it with him forever, then that would be something. “We’re twenty-eight,” he presses, eyes creasing as he grins, “and PhD students.”

Jayce huffs a short laugh. “No one ever said we were the most emotionally intelligent guys around,” he offers. Viktor hums. His smile is soft and curled lazily along his lips. They’re taking on a slight colour from being kissed. Jayce’s gaze lingers on them.

When he leans forward, something warm curls in his core when Viktor catches his lips with his. He can finally breath. And when he does breathe in, it’s Viktor. The man is in every sense that he has. The smell, the sight, the taste of him. When Jayce tilts his head and runs his tongue along the seam of Viktor’s mouth, he swears that — through the rush of blood in his ears — he hears the other man mewl.

The fingers set at the base of his skull curl. When they catch some of his longer hair in their grasp, pulling slightly, Jayce has to stop himself from lurching at the other man there and then.

When they break apart again, it’s Viktor who takes a shaking breath. Jayce tries to chase after him. Breathing is overrated anyway. If it were to choose any way to die, it would be like this. What a way to go — being kissed senseless by your lab partner.

Though, Jayce colours, they may have long vaulted over that title a while ago.

He reaches out, crooking his finger and lifting Viktor’s chin up with his knuckle. His voice nearly cracks. “Don’t hide from me,” he rasps, “please.”

And he doesn’t. Viktor looks at him in the eye, as though he were looking through Jayce’s very soul. He must be mapping out the colours in Jayce’s eyes too, with how often his gaze flits from one to the other. He traces his thumb over Viktor’s chin.

The other man’s lips thin. “I, I would never hide from you, Jayce,” he says just as softly. They’re almost whispering. When it occurs to him that they aren’t alone in their apartment, and are very much in his childhood home, with his mom’s room just across the hall, he has to stop himself from wincing. If they were alone, there would be a lot less talking.

But something weighs on the man’s mind. All Jayce can do is wait until Viktor has his words in the right order.

“There have been so many misunderstandings already, I,” he begins, pausing for a moment to frown and muse over his thoughts. “I just want to know what we both want, and are we on the same page.”

Jayce has to stop himself from blinking. “Vik, I don’t just let anyone kiss me like that,” he begins, but cuts off when Viktor rolls his eyes. There’s a soft smile trying to lift to his lips, something Jayce wants to see bloom, but Viktor just shakes it away.

“The last time someone…got this close…they didn’t…” When Viktor trails off, Jayce tries to wait for him. Maybe he’s looking for the right words. It’s late and the moon outside has been covered by a passing cloud, darkening the room. Despite all of that, he can still make out Viktor’s face. The other man loosens a short breath. “I think people like the idea of me. Not…me.”

Jayce’s heart almost shatters in his chest. “I like you, V,” he presses. “All of you.”

“You don’t know everything, though.”

“Then tell me.” At Viktor’s downcast gaze, Jayce’s brow softens. “Only if you want to.”

Viktor mulls over his thoughts for a moment. When he bites the inside of his cheek, Jayce can see the war happening behind his eyes. Eventually, Viktor swallows. “I’m trans.”

Jayce’s brow knits. There is a moment between them where nothing is said and nothing sounds. Eventually, he breaks it. “And?” At Viktor’s quirked brow, Jayce follows through quickly. “Thank you for telling me, Vik, I appreciate how difficult it can be to tell people things like that but…okay. And what would that have to do with…?”

He looks at the other man expectantly. Viktor glances down again. A soft colour lifts to his cheeks as he fidgets with the hairs at the base of Jayce’s skull. He bites his lip until it’s almost cracked and bloody.

And then it dawns on him.

Jayce’s blood scalds inside of his veins. “Who were they? I’ll kill them—”

No, you won’t,” Viktor presses, tightening his hold on the man’s hair slightly. Amber eyes peer right through his. “It doesn’t matter now. But, you can understand, when I let people get this close and they…They just turn around and leave like nothing ever happened.”

He can still see the hurt in the man’s eyes.

Jayce’s chest tightens. He brushes his nose against Viktor’s. “I’m so sorry that happened to you, V,” he murmurs.

Viktor’s lips quirk. His smile is a sad one, and there are thoughts still lingering behind his eyes; Jayce watches them storm about in that mind of his. But he doesn’t say anything else.

If he could, Jayce would chase after them for Viktor. But Viktor’s eyes hood and the room gets even darker. He’s sure that neighbours have already turned off their outdoor lights. The room is almost jet black.

So he reaches out and brushes a stray strand of hair away from Viktor’s brow. He cups Viktor’s cheek in his palm, brushing his thumb over the man’s pronounced cheekbone. “I would never leave you,” he presses. Despite his voice being a near-whisper, it’s the loudest thing he’s said all night. “I promise.”

Even with it as dark as it is, he sees Viktor’s eyes begin to well. Jayce’s breath catches. “Oh, V,” he murmurs, brushing a kiss to the man’s nose, cheek, chin, anywhere he can reach. Viktor’s breath shudders out of him.

They’ve lived together long enough to have a general idea of who it might be. And if it is, Jayce might not be able to stop himself from throwing a punch the next time he sees that lab assistant.

He moves the mound of pillows and blankets away as deftly as he can, without separating himself too much from the other man. Pillows are thrown beyond the edge of the bed or to the corner behind him. Blankets are kicked away or thrown over Viktor’s lower body. The man shivers — though he doubts its from the cold. With the last of the obstacles gone, Jayce shuffles over and forms himself around Viktor’s side. Warmth blooms from where they touch: even through clothes. He throws an arm around Viktor’s waist, gathering him close.

The arm that had been under the other man’s head unfurls, curling loosely around Jayce’s shoulders. Lithe, nimble fingers gently trace patterns along his back.

He sets his brow against Viktor’s. “I love you so much,” he breathes, afraid to have the words come out any louder. But he would take the first opportunity to scream it from his rooftop if he needed to. Everyone needs to know how much he loves Viktor. Everyone needs to know just how much the man means to him.

Viktor lets out a watery laugh. “I love you too,” he murmurs, catching Jayce in another kiss. It’s long and languid and easy. Curled along Viktor’s side, kissing him soundly, it’s everything he’s ever wanted in life. He didn’t know he needed it, but imagining a world without it almost turns his blood to ice.

jaycetalis [23:21] i think i’m definitely bi

violet [redacted surname here] [23:44] what do you want? a medal?

isatalis [23:55] love you <3

melmedarda [02:02] go to sleep and have your awakenings at normal-people-hours ffs

He has no idea when he finally fell asleep. Then again, he’s not quite sure that anyone ever would remember falling asleep. It just happens. Sleep took Viktor before it came for him. He listened to the man’s breaths deepen, his heartbeat began to slow. With his nose pressed into the crook of Viktor’s neck, he felt the other man grow heavier and heavier in his arms until he was finally gone under.

He must have fallen asleep not long after. With his senses filled with the scent and sight and sound of Viktor, he’s never slept better. His bones ache and he feels like he has sunk into the bed completely, as if it were water. When he begins to climb awake, things come back to him slowly.

He buries a half-stupid grin into Viktor’s clothed shoulder. They kissed last night. The thought lingers with him for longer than it ought to. They kissed a lot.

Some part of him sighs. He’s no better than a teenager with their first crush. His lips still feel soft and numb, and at one point he could have sworn Viktor caught his lower lip in his teeth. Curled up against Viktor’s side, and his arm still very much thrown over the man’s midsection, he takes a moment to just look at him for a moment.

The sun is already up. He has no idea what time it might be, but there’s enough light in the room to see Viktor and their entangled bodies. His leg is still stretched out and propped up on a small pillow. Most of the covers are kept to his side of the bed, as usual. But they’re slung over his waist, with Jayce’s arm. And Jayce almost colours at the sight of his hand under the man’s shirt, curled comfortably against the warm skin of his waist.

When he goes to move it, nimble fingers dart out and grab his wrist. “Leave it. It’s nice.”

Viktor’s voice is nothing more than a throaty rumble under his ear. With his nose pressed under his jaw, Jayce listens to the man climb further and further awake — albeit slowly.

He leaves his hand where it is. In truth, he couldn’t try and move away from Viktor even if he wanted to. “For someone always complainin’ ‘bout the cold, you’re s’warm,” Jayce mumbles into his neck instead, stretching out for a second before relaxing back into Viktor’s side.

One of Viktor’s arms is still curled around his shoulders, gathering him close. It tightened up during the night, even when Jayce threatened to drift away by tossing and turning. He must not have moved that much then, he thinks, if Viktor still has a hold on him. The man’s other arm hugs him even closer. Jayce brackets Viktor’s other leg between his, lying halfway on top of him.

If he was crushing the other man, he doesn’t doubt that Viktor would have pushed him away. If anything, he’s sure that Viktor made a point of keeping him this close throughout the night.

It’s almost enough to make him go back to sleep. It pulls at him, weighing down his bones and muscles. He doesn’t think he could muster the energy to even get out of bed for the day. But it occurs to him that it’s Christmas Eve, and with the sun as high up as it is, his Mom would have already been to Mass this morning.

He sighs against Viktor’s shoulder. “Wha’ time’s it?”

Their phones had been on the single, small nightstand at the side of the bed. He plucked his up as soon as Viktor was asleep. He winces at remembering texting the others. He’s sure Mel has already sent a congratulation basket to their apartment. Their circle should know by now. Some part of him might have coloured at the thought. People knew things about him that he wanted them to know — no more and no less. But he was apparently the last one to know that he wasn’t completely, entirely straight, apparently.

Viktor fumbles for his phone, wincing at the lockscreen as it blinks to life. “Twelve-thirty,” he answers just as lowly.

The hand resting on Viktor’s waist curls. His skin is so warm and soft, and his waist fits into Jayce’s hand so well. He brushes his calloused thumb over the man’s skin, listening to every other breath skip in Viktor’s throat.

A delighted thought settles into his mind. He can touch Viktor.

He always could. He always set a hand onto the man’s shoulder when they were at the lab, or sat a bit too close at their apartment, especially when they had people over and couch-space was tight. Although it took him a while to be touched back, he delights in the idea that Jayce can touch him all the time now: and he saviours every second of it.

The house is already awake. As he sinks further into Viktor's hold, the rest of the house suddenly greets him. Footsteps outside try their best not to creak some of the looser floorboards in the hall. A door is gently opened and shut; and he can only imagine his mom whispering a curse under her breath when it creaks.

Jayce sighs, nosing along the chord of Viktor's neck. “My family will over soon,” Jayce mumbles. The thought of the house being full of people again almost makes him shiver. Maybe he could convince his mom to tell them that they’re sick. The three of them have come down with something. Just spend Nochebuena somewhere else: anywhere else.

But he watches a small frown furrow Viktor’s brow. “I thought they were already over?” he asks. “The other night – was that not the celebration?”

He huffs a laugh against Viktor’s shoulder. “You have a lot to learn about a Mexican Christmas, Vik,” he grins.

The first time he does it, he doesn’t realise it until he’s already in the next room. He stops dead in his tracks. Did he just—?

A faint flush of colour lifts to his cheeks. Something that he can easily pawn off to the most recent beer set into his hand. None of his family seem to notice. If they did, they certainly don’t say anything. Thank God.

The kitchen was as busy as always. The aunties that Ximena deemed fit to come in and help with the rest of the dinner were there, all lined along the kitchen countertops like an assembly line. Some of them wrapped tamales, some tended to the menudo. A seasoned cod dish and potatoes were further down the line, fought over by two of his aunts while shooing away the many children running through the house.

Among them was Viktor, pressed close to Ximena’s side, following her instructions as intently as he would have if they were in the lab. Jayce’s lips twitched. The focused frown set into Viktor’s face as he managed to wrap a tamale by himself is something that he’s going to have to keep stored away for the rest of his life.

It wasn’t long before Ximena spotted him. “Mijo,” she calls, waving a hand to the platters in front of her, “can you take these out to the dining room, please? Tell everyone to help themselves.”

Despite the organised chaos of the kitchen, and the children sprinting around, he managed to navigate the space in a few strides. He flashed Viktor a quick smirk. “Caught you for kitchen duty, did she?” he grinned.

Viktor rolled his eyes at him — as did Ximena, who muttered something quick under her breath. But Viktor lifted his chin. “I’m actually helping, unlike you,” he stated simply, glancing down at the half-drunk beer in his hand.

It earned a crowed laugh from his aunties: a deafening sound that would have woken the dead. Funny how you old crones are deaf until someone is being mean to me, Jayce all but pouted.

But he took as many dishes as he could and leaned in between his mom and Viktor—

And kissed the man on the cheek, before heading away with the plates.

The moment he sets them onto the long, set dining table, to be picked at by his other relatives, Jayce stands stock still and stares at the wall for a second.

He eventually moves. Jostled out of the way by a cohort of cousins, no older than eight, led by a ring-leader of ten years old, he stands to the edge of the room and takes a long, needed gulp of beer. If anyone speaks to him, he certainly doesn’t hear any of it. He watches people fill their plates and return to the different seating areas, talking among themselves in their little groups. All the while he can feel warmth starting to scald his face and neck. Surely he’s as red as the house’s walls—

When he spots Viktor coming out of the kitchen, he has to stop himself from running upstairs and hiding in his room. Instead, he stays by the doorframe, leaning against it for support. His feet are rooted to the ground. There’s no chance of him running away now, not even when his family step out of the way and let Viktor navigate the room that bit easier.

He flushes when he meets Viktor’s eyes. Though, to his delight, a similar colour has spread along the man’s cheeks.

He reaches out.

Wordlessly, Viktor’s hand curled into his and he’s brought against Jayce’s side. “Your Mom may have some questions for us,” Viktor says. The smile curled along his lip is too cozy for Jayce’s liking.

He can only imagine what that kitchen must have been like as soon as he left: and Viktor left in it to weather the storm of looks and shared raised eyebrows.

Jayce hums, finishing what’s left of his beer before setting the bottle down nearby. “It’s the family’s headline story of the year: Jayce and Viktor, will they, won’t they?” he offers, laughing as Viktor rolls his eyes. He leans his weight into Jayce anyway, letting one arm curl around his waist.

A few gazes wander their way, and some linger on their closeness. Even though he tries to keep himself, and Viktor, to the living room, occasional murmurs brush his ear. So are they together or what? I thought Isa saidNo, no, Ximena said it was all a misunderstanding! Some misunderstanding, friends don’t act like that

When a flood of more food is brought out of the kitchen, and eyes turn away from them for a moment, Jayce turns his head and presses a kiss to Viktor’s brow. He watches the man clear his throat, and turning to look down at his shoes.

The colour on his cheeks darkens.

“You’re locked into this now, V,” Jayce murmurs against the shell of Viktor’s ear. The other man shifts his weight slightly. He doesn’t miss the way a shiver works its way down along Viktor’s spine. The corners of his lips quirk.

Anything he might have said withers as Viktor turns to look at him. He’s learned that if he wants to speak to Viktor — in general, or tease him — he has to do it before those familiar and alluring amber eyes lock with his. “Careful.” Viktor’s voice is nothing more than a rumble from the core of his chest. Jayce blinks. The corners of Viktor’s mouth twitch; but his eyes stay as steely as ever. When he leans up to brush what seems to be a kiss to Jayce’s earlobe, his lips linger by his ear, and he murmurs, “behave yourself in front of your family.”

When Viktor pulls back, his smile is nothing more than a seemingly sweet and beaming one. No doubt he’s seen what’s left of the brown in Jayce’s eyes swallowed by his pupils. His mouth dries and his lips part, ready to say something—or stammer, at the very least—

But Viktor’s fingers find the small of his back. Even through his dress shirt and sweater, the man’s touch is scalding.

If You Could Throw Me a Line - Chapter 1 - EyesUpMarksman (2025)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.